Tuesday, September 1

Hey readers!!=D

Super duper happy todae uh,hahas!=DD Windy n Rainy day also;)
Well,dumb mie,i woke up n tot 8 plus only,bt when i look at my phone it was alr 12 plus!!HAHAS=D Went amk to meet randy n co. , walk ard,saw kok wei n some of my church ppl;D Shoo, went to bugis,cos eden wanted to buy clothes.. Grrh!! Max keep disturbing mie in the train!! Reached there,they went to wallet shop! I almost fall on my way[laughs!],cos randy step on my slipper!! They bought pouch i guess.. Went bugis street, smt stupid happen, forgotten who dono hw walk there then branick say walk straight,so im like 'ei,wan walk to th end le,why he still say walk straight?' Hahas,so they walk till 'si ma lu' We saw one shirt damn pervert la, bt its cool though,hahas!! Went bac bugis street after we realise tat we walk wrong way =.=!! Didnt bought anything in th end, headed peninsular {ps. dono hw spell} Max wanted to buy bag, eden went there to buy pants too.. Smt happen on th way there again!! When we r boardin th train, the door suddenly closed,then branick quickly run in,randy was out there,lols la, waited for him at th destination.. After they buy their things, we went bac j8. ;DD {*skipskip*} Went disturbing kok when he was working,hahas!! They all want to go hm,bt i don wan cos still early, called dawn n went to her hse in the end=DD Went kfc to hav our dinner n walk rd for awhile ;D Had an idea of staying at her hse<3
p.s. Everything needs time,but time will never wait for you,so do what you can now and not wait n regret.. Be optimist people, a bright future awaits=DD

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