Wednesday, September 9


Hey readers!!=D
Finally im posting uh?? Meeting huiling n jasmine to watch G-Force 3D todae<3 Huiling's fren was suppose to come bt he say shy, so nv in the end, im like LOLS!!! Kays,stupid mie larhs,cos was suppose to meet huiling at 12 bt went to mistook it as 12.30,so was late!!! Met her n shoo, went amk hub=D Reach there n quickly went to buy the movie tickets, cos the show's starting in like 5mins time!! The show was quite okay, rated it 3/5 though the hamster was super cute^.^ Took neo-print after the movie, wasnt in a mood to do so anw.. Bought sherrill's present, went to find branick n co. dono for wad reason, n went eating at some japanese shop, food there was excellent n delicious indeed!!!=DD Was a coincident to meet yu jia n her fren, all of us went 'xin tian di' after tat, cos they wan ply audi.. Dint ply, cos of my middle finger!! Gahx, hw pathetic was it rite??! time flys, went to pass sherrill her present n went hm ;D Wasnt in a good mood though, went i was at hm.. Shall stop typing here already..

p.s. i dono why cnt i post pic?? sry peeps..

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