Thursday, November 19

Hellos readers:D
Currently stayin at my cousin hse, wif two siao zha bo, hahas<3 they r like total insane.. Sry for nt posting for th past few days, wasnt in a good mood, bt better nw le=) im goin out today! hahas, don need rot at hm le, happy me:D Goin bishan take comics book n return, which i tink overdue le,lols hope it doesnt cost much. Will be meeting g.fren also, she also another siao zha bo[laughs].. Will also be meeting my bro at 4.30 to buy clothes, hahx finally man. Wanted to meet crazy but she cmi-.- Think i jus do a short post bah, wan go bathe n out i go le:D bye people!
oh, i still don wan to go 3n3!!!

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