Thursday, November 5

HELLOS readers!!=DD
What a stupid day infact<3>Had cca in th morning n went to meet crazy!! I'm like walking in the heavy rain, on th way down th stairs i almost fell, alamak dumb me!! Met crazy n ran to j8, like 'luo tang ji' lah!! Ran to my hse then crazy changed n i went to bathe, jiu go meet andy n max. Here comes th stupid joke, Was wondering where to go, ite decided to go changi airport, we went there jus to eat burger king , then max left. Me, crazy n andy took 53 bac bishan, lame rite?!? On th bus fan like slp all th way. i slp awhile nia, dk where to lean then head like keep droppin, hahas=D Walk ard j8 awhile n went hm, I went walkin all th way frm 1st level to 12 level, insane rite, hahas wad a day im having<33

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