Monday, April 5


Hellos living things!(:
hahs, someone has been bugging me about my dead blog:x alamak!
today uh, NAPFA RETEST!!! ah, happyhappy:D
Sit up: 45
Standing broad: 160
Sit & reach: 46
Inclined pull up: 27
Shuttle run: 11.2
2.4km: 12.13

Lessons on monday is really cmi, lucky i manage to stay awake(:
After school, stayed for awhile to do poa, revised some maths, wasnt in the mood i guess:s
Accompanied ariffah to repair her phone then headed home in the stupid rain when im alr having a flu! Was out at night to WATCH MOVIE! like finally:D Clash of the titans, rate it 4/5? Slack for awhile, and was homed. Tmr E-Learning Day! hahas, have already done my english, which contains 100 questions@.@ Might be going gym bah, if that eeediot never pangseh me! Gtg now(:

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