Saturday, August 22

Hey readerss!!!=D
Jus came bac, n am here to post<3
Went bishan ard 2 plus to meet mushira ,sharifah n nurseha due to the history project.. Saw randy and co. on my way=D Waited for everyone to arrive, headed to some "void deck" ard my frens hse.. Sry ppl,i promise to do e research bt didnt in the end {*skipskip*} Went amk to find chin hian and co. to ply lan ;D play till 6 plus 7.. I was then hungry,cos i nv eat for the whole day, bt didnt eat in the end,lol la,hahas!! Was there steppin their slipper on our way to dono wad lan de(near amk hub) dang khoa almost fall [laughs!!] then went step branick's slipper,he suddenly stp n i almost bang in to him,lols!! While crossing the road, randy went steppin mine,and it fell off my leg,n ther i am bare footed[laughs!!'hahas'] Go arcade for awhile and went home.. Again, dk and ch send mie home!! THANK YOU AGAIN PEOPLE!! kinda had a funny day todae!! Happy too<3333

p.s. i'm sorry for the things i've done during the past, although i don really noe wad i've done to
let u hate mie so long and much. sry='(

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