Tuesday, September 29

Hey readers!
Took huiling's dad car to sko todae, had stomach ache when i woke up, so kuku=.= Went in class late cos no assembly so don really bother.. Face was pale when i go sko le, n i never laugh till recess, first time sia! Maths was first period, got bac post holi test, scored 31/45=D highest in class, hehheh ;) After tat was science, not feeling well, feel like taking a nap by then uh, bt try to stay awake!! Th cher let us 5 mins early for recess=) Went canteen, had no appetite to eat, went G.O. to wait for my dad to go hm.. Smt very funny happen when my dad come, all thanks to huiling, liting n elyna, hahas! Reached home n here i am posting^_^
okays, need to go rest alr, post somedays later=D

p.s Im nt sure whether hw long cn i tolerate, bt im sure as long as i can i will.. hope i don explode then=D After all u happy i will be happy alr, i guess=)

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