Friday, October 2

Hey readers!!=D
Some photos frm lit class<33 early="'(">
  • alamak,why apple's face liddat?whats shannon trying to do??0.o
  • Our two great teachers, apple n mr mervin=DDClass photo;D

    Okays,no more photos!! ei wait,hahas this pic is funny=DD
    Lets start toking bout todae??Hmm......
    Today i 6.40 then wake uh, wanted to take huiling's dad car, bt huiling told mie she goin to sko her self,so im like rushing rushing rushing!!! heh heh, luckily i nv late=D Went comp lab for CME lesson, cher ask us to study sci there,we're like who will uh? Next was history, mrchua was super angry cos of our test paper,our class only one ppl pass,how pathetic=x i only got 4.5/20.. MTL smt happen,shall not elaborate?? Hmm,didnt eat for recess, had no *bling bling* hahas<3 again=".=" fanny=")" uh="D" alr="D" size="1">cnt u jus stp the quarrelling? cnt u hav some peace? alamak sio, grow up pls, frens are jus like tat, wad cn u do? its impossible to find a perfect one anw, so i suggest u jus let go lah, fyi im nt trying to help anyone, bt my point of view is tat ur jus stp n tat will do..

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