Sunday, October 4

Hellos people!!=DD
Meet dawn, n off to j8 buy smt eat<3 Headed shelter to find branick n co. Smt happen, shall nt elaborate. Stupid kokwei, treat mie n dawn like maid!! hahas,he super funny lah, ppl angry he go make him laugh,bt also kinda good uh=D They had to go ard 5 plus, so mie n dawn went bac j8 slack again=.=! boredboredbored!! Ate at mos,i didnt eat much though. Went voiddeck slack after tat, till 7.45 i jiu went hm alr. Today quite tired too,unsure why0.o?
anw,im watching "綜藝大哥大" nw,tat kid super cute n gong enough lah, made mie laugh till stomach pain!! n he is only 13, but have lots of muscle!! im like yuckkk,it looks gross!

p.s picture will be post other day=D

Today was a funn day 4 me;DD Went out wif branick,randy,xunqin,max,natalie,fanny n alice, before tat hav kokwei,mark,emo n jiawu.. Was at shelter cos had to wait for kok n xunqin, headed library to 'study' after tat,hahas=D Nat n fan came, had lots of laughters in the library!!
Went bac shelter , fan suggeted to go her hse voiddeck to ply candles, i went her hse after tat<3
7 went down wif fan n her sis' , then branick came.. Waited for nat n co. , they played ard, my job is to laugh only,hahas!! They r super funny!! There was one kid over there super gl, nt elaborating on it..Max went hm after tat, rest of us go chongboon park to walkwalk, went to some place damn quite!! me & fan super scared, so walk very fast end up both of us ran bac, hahas dumb us!! Went hm, n was super tired^_^ Although theres some up's n down's within mie todae but overall was happy=D Thanks for ur concern darling,meluvyou!

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