Monday, November 23


Hellos people.
Was suppose to meet crazy, lesbo, vid n oli for movie today, bt tink they cancel it?? Think i will nt be goin even if they r, cos im aching all over my body-.- lols uh. Woke up n watch
海 派甜心, alamak its damn funny, bt sad tat ii hav to wait fr episode5!!! Stupid thing was i watch till forget to hav my lunch;D So quickly changed n went to eat=DWaiting 4 cousin to come bac n entertain me, TEEHEE;D 0hh0hh, n i post up th pics alr:D & i look so retard in both pics-.-! Alamak i used comp till 5 plus, know smt frm then, bt i seem not to hav a big reaction?? think cos some family matter happen on th same time at tat moment bah... & theres many ques i felt like asking, bt im afraid that it might affect one's mood, && im sorry uh, i really don wan to lose a fren like you seriously, hope u forgive me.. i didnt predict tat this would happen too, bt im really sorry='/ Done using comp thn skipskip* had dinner, & am here editin my post:D Finally cousin come bac le, guess wnt be tat bored alr<3 style=";font-family:verdana;font-size:130%;">

Taggies all replied!!;

: i mean ,maybe they now also become 24hours nanny (: L0LX .haha !tag !<3 style="font-weight: bold;">Fannysx
: i will find time soon & we go swimming / shopping okays! (: soonsoon <3
: crazy !! haha ,bus 53~ :D joke of the day mans .kuku us (: tagtagtag !!<3
: laugh everyday like today okays !!:D
Fannysx: haha ,you really go walk from 1st to 12 level ar ? haha ,i will go try walking from 1st to 13 :D
Fannysx: crazy ! today was super boreddd day mans till the end was okays :D ,lets wait for wednesday then ,rot at home tmrl ! L0L .:D tag !Loves .
Fannysx: hellos crazy ! sorry for today uhs ,super low mood after that ( not cus of my mum ) ,cus of some matter ,explain to you when i see you the next time :> !soonsoon ! tag !<<3 style="font-weight: bold;">FANNYHENG: im here for you , not gone yet ,<: l0l l0l . HAHA , hope i will get i want to :):D seeya trml .
FANNYHENG .: Helllos crazy !!
FANNYHENG .: today is a super funny day ! ahahah ! alot of joke uhs <: seeya soon again ! byebye :D
FANNYHENG .: crazy ! i know your blue nail damm nice can ! [inside joke] <: tag goodluck ---Hellos crazyFANNY!!! hahas, alamak u tag so many i also dono hw to reply!!! th nanny expire alr lah!! [laughs!] Of course, then go jurong again!! i also wan go SHOPPING!! heh heh, ur soon very long leh;D i don mind sitting tat bus again!! hahas, cos i cn see pig in th bus^@^!! i'll try, u also must laugh everyday uh!! Cn h2h tok wif me if u wan, i will zip de=D i walk everyday, wan walk wif me?? TEEHEE;D i ite also go ur hse n rot together,lols! i noe th reason alr, cheerup bah crazy! Thankyou Thankyou!! Alamak, we go 3n3 leh, so kuku-,- Everyday also alot of joke de lah, laugh more then:>! Hehheh of course very nice lah, i in lov wif th colour like siao alr, u wan paint? i cn lent u leh, hahas!!! Thanks for all ur tag uh!!

DAWN , ;D: HAHAHA ! :x
DAWN , ;D: You watch 2012 already ??
DAWN , ;D: Why dont want go 3N3 ? :o
---Hellos DAWNnehneh!!:D hahas,u think u rap uh?? yupyup, niice rite? cos tat class suck big time? lols!! im jus joking, duno i jus don wan to be in that class!!

Eunneh !: lesbo ! tagtagtag> :)
Eunneh: lesbo ! tag :D
--- Hellos lesbo! Thanks!!:D

&Liting: HAHAHA . I saw you yesterdayyyyyyyyyyy ! Lols . Meet up next time ohkay . Luvluvluvluvluvluv .
&Liting: Girlf(:
&Liting: Girlf . Link me up ! <3
--- Hellos liting g.f!!! ya lo, i shocked sia! okays,sure!! i linked u alr! meluvyou too<3

andy: sit until buttocks pain
andy: tagged ;D
--- Hellos!! u also noe arh?? i tot u ply psp till forget le, hahas! thanks:D

Kerene: Hello ! ;D Never come tag me de. ):
Kerene: Tag again !
Kerene: Relink me @ . Thank you ! ;D
--- HEllos!! sorry!! i'll do it when i hav time;D relinked you alr! Thanks!!

rujiaaaaaa: ellox tag tag XD
rujiaaaaa: taggies~~ =)
rujiaaaaa: taggies =)
--- Hellos rujia!! Thanks<3

` ♥!YUJIAZ: Agnes ! (; taggged ;D
` ♥!YUJIAZ: Agnes ! You also got me ! (: Can msg me anytime when you're bored too ! ;D Cheer up k !
--- Hellos xiao zha bo!! u also cn text me uh:D okays, Thankyou!! meluvyou<3

Xavier: 2012 is Nice!
--- Hellos!Yupp, of course!! especially in th theatre got some jokers!! hahas<3

Isabel: tagged! ;D
: smile always! (;
--- Hellos! hahas,okays thanks anw<3

♥,MICHELLE: AGNES ! :D , You know who am i mah ? :D Heh ! Anyway , link me eh(?) (:
--- Hellos!!:D of course i noe lurh<3

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