Thursday, November 26

Hellos readers.
Never go out tis three days, rottin at cousin hse-.- Did nth much too. Finally cn slp ytd, cos didnt slp well past few days, infact i nv even slp ytd-,- cousin get back his psle result, hahas n they were joking bout tat ytd night,jus couldnt stp laughin:D Had been watching 終極三國, damn niice:D kept laughing when watching, must watchh!! Alamak, my cousin keep makin my laugh th whole time im over here, joker man<3 Had h2h tok alot of times too, finally got someone to tok to, cos kept everything very xin ku n had no one to tell.. Thanks manzx;D I wan to go shopping wif crazy SOON!! alamak, her soon uh, like super long leh,teehee;D I'm like posting crap,lols dk wad to post! haix, really hope th day come where u forgive me, doin things nw will nt help rite? guess so, im sorry though='/ Tmr thn post when i hav time bah,bye people:)

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