Sunday, November 15

Hellos readers.
Was kinda boring day, anyhow think stuff again.. Didnt go out due to some reason, didnt message ppl n was silent th whole day-.- Use th comp also dono wad to do, haix. Waiting for him to text me after his work:) He treated me better than anyone for wad i noe in th time being, thanks uh, ur always there for me all th time=D After seeing some blog, had realise tat im th one whom will be left out all th time=/ Frens gone, family gone, almost everything gone, dk wad im left with.. Tmr will be knowin our results, hope i take n go what n where i want;) After tat will accompany crazy go amk buy stuff then her hse to watch movie<3 will stp here bah, bye!

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