Saturday, November 14

Hey readers!

im bac finally=D wanted to post ytd but was lazy=X
Woke up, n everyone was out alr. Ate, bathe n went out to find dar at amk. Lols uh, tot im late so walk super fast, reached there n he still in bus-.- Stupid me. Met him n headed cinema, saw XIAO ZHA BO there, hahas! So qiao lah, we r watching th same show "My gf is an agent". Th show is damn nice, extrem funny too!! Rated it 5/5! Kuku dar, say tat again=.= Haix, no comments for him, lols i bet he don even noe=/ Parted frm him, bought smt n went hm. Ran all th way to 12 lvl again<3

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