Saturday, December 12

Hellos readers!:D
Wad a funn funny day i had!!:D Bt im super uber tired@.@ Slept at 4.30 last night n woke up at 7 plus, wan die alr, everyday so late slp n wake so early! Okays nvm, lets strt tokin bout today alright:) Met my dad n send my cousin to his mom thn fetch bro n headed clementi, pathetic bodoh:P Went there to celebrate my great-grandma's bday:) think she's 87 tis yearo.0? there's like 40 plus ppl in th hse n some still nv come, im like lols! so many ppl, *faint bodoh*!

After tat dad fetch me to chinese garden mrt st. thanks! Met crazy oli n kw thn, SRY peeps im late like again! && th stupid 'yao siew kias' keep callin me niang/ma again, so @#$%&!!! Walked there, changed n stuff, tat two idiot shout niang frm outside, made me n crazy laugh-,- Rent float n went to lazy pool, & there's tis bunch of guys uh, alamak siol, damn kuku! Very mo ming qi miao also-,- Whenever we pass them or wad they will make noise thn splash water at me n crazy, funny luhs laughs bodoh!:D Thn kuku us, we went wave pool, me n crazy almost drown, we walk to 1.5m tat siao zha bor gei kiang walk first, lucky kw help her. Stupid me! I walk there thn keep laughin, thn drink alot of water keep coughing plus leg cramp fan also-,-Alot funny thingss happened:P Us falling, over-turning, drowning, bein disturbed & like lots more, laughs bodoh:D Bathed, headed bac bishan, thn accompany fan take phone n wait bus:) Went eat AJISAN:0 Head pop, kw n oli bought one bk for me, thanks:D Thn went meet my mom, tt kw keep callin my mom popo, sot one! Parted frm thm n went hm:DD Will be goin swimming wit thm again on fri!:)
Had lots of funn n laughters today:D Many weird ppl toos!

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