Monday, December 14

Hellos readers!!:D
Its 4.18am nw! & i jus couldnt slp,jus like days before:/ okay let me strt tokin bout ytd!:)Was rather a busy day for me? Met dad at 8 fetch bro n off to visit my another great-grandma:S Chit chat here & there till 9.30, said byebye to everyone thn went fetchin dad's fren & headed tamp. to hav our breakfast+lunch at Swensens! Totally yummy & real full!! unable to upload th pics though..[skipskip] Meet girlf. n wifey @ causeway point, walk rd, slack, took pics, n went mac to hav a quick bite:) Theyre off n waited for bro to come...........

Met him & his hair arh, cut till like th 海派甜心de xiao zhu! alamak, cnt stp laughin when i saw him, laughs bodoh!:D Rushed here n there thn finally off to Republic Polytechnic for th Oschool Recital Event:0 its frm 7.30 to 9.30, n i got th $25 seat:) Nice view! Some celebrities were there too! Patricia Mok was one of thm n she damn freakin funny!!! Laughs bodoh:DD Hahas, && everyone there was like havin camwhore, i blur diao lah:D Overall th whole event was Awsome 9/10! Popping was de best, i totally luv it! Their dance was DOBE & like AHHHH HOT! :P Its totally freakin nice bodoh!!! Kaes i noe im sane bt jus couldnt stp remembering! AHHH OMGOMG! Wan to see it again!! Sad case need wait till next year:/ After tat went burger king to hav dinner n took last train hm;D {ohhohh i might be learning hiphop next year, anyone wan join?? text me if wan:DD}

0pps! Woke up late to meet my cousin:X SRY! Felt very shag todae! Damn tired. Met her n off to eunos inter:) & i almost lost my ez-link! Alamak, dumb me uh, lucky i got it bac:) Took mrt to paya lebar to seeee looklook, was rather messy there, see alr also cn faint, hahas:S Some stupid things happen again:x Cab bac her hse n i took bus bac bishan, met those two 'yao siew kias' take my stuff thn went hm to change n come out to meet thm again:0 Accompanied thm to eat , n went to slack:/ Wanted to watch movie bt don hav show:( Bought yummy yoghurt, thn thn went hm... Reached n my aunt ask me go take injection for th h1n1 thingy-,- So bathed went out again! Was scared, bt in th end nt pain de, i so dumb uh, hahas:D Went to take smt thn finally hm jiu nv go out alr:D Post when im free alright, wan go tok to my darling alr:D Bye people:)

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