Saturday, February 20


Hahah! that crazy trying to act tall:P
Wifey again:s
lucky i look, if not i'll be unglam!:O
What that siao zha bo trying to do manxz! HAHAH!
hungryhungry!! lols!
Hah! My retard blur look!!:x
time check: 4.30am
longlong time never update already!:x That Crazy keep asking me to update! Hahah:D Not sleeping today i guess, promise some kukus that i will be waiting for:) ARH going to have panda eyes already:s Nevermind, i shall keep my promise! hahah, enough of my craps!
BORED today! hah, went that siao zha bo's house awhile at 5 plus, 'tkss' here and there & fold our stars! Alamak, fold until our nails all cmi already, plus fingers hurts.. Went off to mac & back to get/borrow ipod from birdy then headed tampinese to find cousins at around 6.30:o When wait for bus, then this stranger came talking to me, ask me weird weird ques! like pervert sial plus the bus stop noo people only we two, idk what to do man, then quickly text birdy! scared bodoh! suaysuay he take same bus as me!
  • reached ard 8 plus 9.
  • Ate steamboat
  • play poker
  • Ate yu sheng(was awsome! Better than the normal one!)
  • && durian nian gao (niice too! yummy:D)
  • finish watching Constontine and off home

Bye to everyone, walk to take lift, and something stupid happen! 8 ppl in the lift include my bro and i, my aunt went in, then got the overload sound, my bro go out 2 of my cousins come in dont have already! lols lah! so aunt, cousin n bro take another lift down. Saw them kept laughing when they come out and others in the lift like want laugh dont want laugh like that, then the same incident happen again! they should change the lift uh, haha! No bus, cab home then the bill 19 dollars:x home, used laptop, text 6 people, msn, fold the star:D & now waiting waiting waiting! nothing much already, update soon!


P/s: im craving for you, feelings are mixed, but you'll solve things that are troubling me, & share lots of joy with me:D you always smile no matter what! imy.

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