Monday, March 8


BIGG ENOUGH?!!!! I WANNA EAT ARH!! im craving for it!!!:s
So random! ahah:0
Finally posting after sucha long time!:/ wellwell, today uh can say is a super uber funn day! hahah im like so hyper now, TEEHEE;D Morning, met bird, viki and vinod, headed school, kept lauging on the way! bought drinks and when assembly as usual.
P.E ; runn runn runn, im lovin' it!:D did standing broad jump, tetris was damn funny i swear, i laugh till i fall on the ground can! batminton!
Eng ; relief teacher! bird and others playing soccer behind the class, LMAO!!! damn funny again!
Maths ; forget what i did:x
Recess! ; ate with kah wai & co. STUPID CAN! never finish my food, was busy laughing:D laugh laugh laugh, recess over liao:s
Geo then bio, bored man! going to have one-to-one tuition with bio cher! hope it helps:) after school, tetris & kahwai acc us for awhile then byebye alr, soon acc bird out of school then went cca. hahah, wire plugged wrongly today, kept laughing like mad woman luh! vely tired uh! then wait for that kuku to online, almost doze off man! tomorrow going gym~!:D gtg!
Love is everything.
It is the key to life,
and its influences are
those that move the world.

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