Tuesday, December 22

Hellos people!!!:D
its past 12 nw, first thing first;
Second,Sry for nt posting for such long time again, really no time, cos am out everyday, hahas:D
Have been out wif Crazy, kokwei, max, kahwai, oliver, should be no more le:) && go alot alot of place;) N yet having a super uber bigbig hole in my pocket:x Had real lots of laughter n funn wif thm, Thanks people, meluvur,hahas:p i shall nt elaborate more on past few days;x

It SUPER UBER JOKE DAY i tell u:D Hahx, lets strt.. Kays, SORRY CRAZY, OLI & KW, i noe im a PIG!! Cos i didnt wake due to some reasons, n they came up to find me! i walk out very ps, thn walk in n walk out again, lols uh:p Rushed everything n SHOO! off-ed to swimming pool! ............ ***i think i'll continue tmr! sry peeps, jus ate two strong pills cos im really sick alr, n nw maboh maboh, blurblur liao:S goin slp nw, edit tmr! anw i wanted to post jus to write tt* hahas:D sry peeps, nights!***

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