Saturday, December 26

Hellos readers!:D

Remember wad i cn frm christmas eve:) btw,
Christmas eve;
***Blogger prob!!! edit when im bac!***


Sry Crazy & GirlF.!! Was suppose to meet thm at 11.30, bt when thy came, im still slpin!!!Quickly bathed n rushed out:x Went amk to meet th guys,ite thy went lan-.- So meet jj, thn went checked th time of e show, alvin & th chipmunks, at amk hub.. And it was full for next timing too, hw stupid. Went jubilee to see whether do thy hav any seats nt, hah luckily us:D bought 2.50pm tickets, hah we bought th whole row, thn four of us slacked here n there, crap lot:) Waited for branick, max, randy, chinhian, dangkhoa, oliver,randall,kahwai to come. Rated it 4/5!:D hahas!! HE IS A JERK!!! hahx, me n crazy knows who:x Went toilet thn parted wif jj n gf & went vitural land to find th rest, actually decided to drink, bt oli nv bring-.- Went kok's blk behind slack thn, had h2h toks wif crazyee:) Haha, Ahh! handsome bodoh! me n crazy knows why again:D Funny bodoh, Laughs* Accompany fan hm n buy stuff, thn went find randy n co. They went celebrate randy's b'day:D they're like crazy man, take ice-cream chase here n there, n spray th snow thingy, ohhohh n max kana chase till ran up bus!! lols! Went mark hse cos some of thm wan wash hair-,- Thn drink while walkin to bus stp, asked ran to bottleup, lols thn randy run till dk where, we tot he lost sial. me,bra n jiawu went up bus n hmed:D Another funn day had passed!

Ytd & Today;

Ytd didnt do much, slept till 2 plus n stayed hm whole day, slept early too:) Today woke up at 11, ytd slept at 11.30, hah wad a pig!! was damn tired:x Went bathed n went out wif dad,bro to eat at sakae:S Saw mingquan n someone, forgot his name, ps uh=x Ate till quite full! Drank jap beer, taru n nami, hahas weird names.. th taru taste like vinegar 13.8%, nami taste like wisky 13%,both aint nice, thn my dad ask me bottleup, haha!! my dad face is red bodoh:D bought yummy yohgurt n went hm:D n smt happen, damn funny lah my dad:/ Guess i've to stp postin here, will edit th previous post when im free:D Goin to be late 4 batminton:P

Bye peeps!:D

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