Wednesday, December 16

Hellos readers!:D
These pics was taken like last 2days if im nt wrong, & i look retard in both pics,lols:) Was intendin to post when im bac, bt i still hav time to post jiu come post le:S Hahas, first time im prepared to go out early! if nt im goin be late again:X Argh, was waken up by th construction thingy nearby my unit & renovation in th living room!!:/ Sigh, had no choice jiu wake up le-,- Rot home th whole ytd, can die man:S
Lets tok bout tue bah, hahx i was late like 3hrs tt day! Cos i slept at 6a.m in th morning, woke up at 10 but kept sleepin again-,- & i had like 20 over missed calls or rather 30:X oli called n asked smt, so im thinking they'll come my hse, they did bt idk,lols. they wan scare me also fail, hahas!!! NOOB!! jk:D i met thm at 4 & they had to go at 5, im like went down for nth! Went hm n slack, bored ttm uh:S 0hh0hh, i've linked people whom i had to alr:D Gotta hav my lunch n out i go alr, so bye living things:) post when im free, tag more alright!!:D

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